Author: Admin

This article is the sublimation of the calculation results from two our previously published articles about chia network efficiency comparison to other POW coins. Chia network efficiency comparison to BTC and ETH Chia network efficiency comparison to ETC, XMR and Read more…

chia network VS ethereum network

Here I will try to compare total value of chia network by calculating the value of the equipment used to maintain the network.   Chia Network At the moment, on this day chia network size is 31EiB, that is 35,740,566TB Read more…

Offers in chia light wallet

Say hello to Offers, DEXes, and a Stablecoin! We’re excited to launch Chia Offers today in Chia light wallet beta. It enables decentralized, peer-to-peer trading of assets on the Chia blockchain. It’s entirely self-custodied, requires no middleman or market maker, Read more…

In this article I will try to compare ETC, XMR, RVN, ERGO and XCH value creation in comparison to their respective electricity consumption. In my previous article Chia network efficiency comparison to BTC and ETH, I have done comparison to Read more…

Chia Decentralized Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin has about 15.000 unique nodes, Ethereum 5.500, and Chia 350.000. You can check this information on bitnodes, ethernodes and the official web of Chia, where it says “Chia is the most decentralized blockchain ever with approximately 350,000 nodes” As Read more…


It’s hard to say how much the price drop is underrating vs how much it was wrongly overvalued at its launch on the perfect timing for a crypto moon across the industry. Having started plotting since a few days before Read more…

Chiamployee 🌱 Checks are a two-step process… first it looks up a short prefix, think of it in layman terms like an area code for a phone. It first checks if any hashes in a plotfile has that area code at all. Read more…

In this article I will try to compare BTC, ETH and XCH value creation in comparison to their respective electricity consumption. The idea is simple, calculate and compare how much value per watt (€/Wat) these 3 networks are creating for Read more…

Here I will try to explain our vision of Chia network, what it is today and what it can become tomorrow. A very great amount of reserved space creates a need for an idea to provide a solutions that would Read more…

The World Bank plants a seed to solve climate change

The bank is teaming up with Bram Cohen’s San Francisco startup to prove that crypto can be part of the solution, not a problem, for climate change. It was one of the most unusual agreements to come from the frenzy Read more…

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