Category: Chia Farming

Chia farming return on investment, ROI

I have finally decided to make an article about Chia farming return on investment, chia farming ROI. I know that I have selected a bad moment to do that, since Chia coin price is at its lowest point, but maybe Read more…

Chia farming with old equipment

A friend of a friend of mine, has set up a chia farm with his old equipment. I asked him to give a little interview for ChiaCoinLand and he accepted, with the condition to remain anonymous. Why have I chosen Read more…

Chia network farming equipment vs ethereum mining equipment price, comparison per watt

In this article I will be comparing farming hard disks prices per watt to the prices of GPU-s per watt, in order to see the difference between them. Since there are so many GPU-s and HDD-s on the market, I Read more…

How much of a 101 GB K32 Chia plot does chia check when attempting to win a block?

Chiamployee 🌱 Checks are a two-step process… first it looks up a short prefix, think of it in layman terms like an area code for a phone. It first checks if any hashes in a plotfile has that area code at all. Read more…

The beginners’ guide to farming Chia Coin on Windows.

What is Chia? Chia Blockchain is a new cryptocurrency that uses Proof of Space and Time. Instead of using expensive hardware that consumes exorbitant amounts of electricity to mine cryptos, it leverages existing empty hard disk space on your computer(s) to farm cryptos with Read more…

Guide on How to Farm the Chia Network with Ubuntu with the CLI

When I was first getting started it was rather difficult to find out all of the information that I needed to understand how the mining process works and the best way to get started. If you are like me, have Read more…